
Why we should celebrate Christmas Eve even if we’re not religious

Why Christmas Eve is a Special Night for Everyone

Christmas Eve is often considered the most magical night of the year because it is when Santa Claus comes down your chimney with gifts in his sack. It is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the world. It is also one of the most divisive. So much so that some people don’t want to be associated with the holiday at all, while others want to celebrate it as enthusiastically and religiously as possible.

If you fall into that latter category, this article isn’t for you. But if you’re on the fence about whether or not to celebrate Christmas Eve, we have some reasons why you should join in anyway.

Experience the Magic of Christmas Eve Even if You’re Not Religious


Here are top reasons why you should celebrate Christmas Eve even if you’re not religious:

  • Christmas Eve is all about spending time with loved ones — so why not make it an evening everyone will remember? Whether it’s just the two of you or a large group of family members and friends, there’s plenty of fun things to do together on this night. Dinner out at a nice restaurant or home-cooked meal at home are both great options for this occasion. If you’re looking for something more festive than dinner out, consider going ice skating or playing games with your kids while they wait for Santa Claus (or Father Christmas). The weather might be cold outside but inside with the right company, it can be warm and cozy.
  • For many people, Christmas Eve is all about family traditions — whether that means gathering around the dinner table or heading out to church services together. This is especially true for children who look forward to getting presents from Santa Claus on Christmas morning but still enjoy spending time with their parents on Christmas Eve. Some families even have specific rituals they follow every year: singing carols around the tree or watching Christmas specials on TV together.
  • It is an excuse for good food and drink. The thing about eating and drinking with family is that it often involves indulging in foods we wouldn’t normally eat or drink because they’re too high in calories or sugar content — like cookies.
  • Christmas Eve is a great time to spend with family, friends and loved ones. It is also a great time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas Eve is the last day before Christmas Day, the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. The word “Eve” literally means “eve,” or evening.

The first documented celebration of Christmas Eve was in 336 A.D., when Pope Julius I declared it a festival day — meaning people could have a party and celebrate it in public.

The Christmas story mentions three different times during which Jesus was born: sometime between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C., sometime between 5 B.C. and 4 B.C., and sometime between 4 B.C. and 3 B.C.. This discrepancy has led some historians to believe that there were two different Jesus Christs, one born in 5 B.C., who lived until 30 A.D., and another born in 6 B..

But truly, what matters are the memories we make.